Friday, December 8, 2017

6th Grade Winter WEB Party!

Dear parents and Mt. Tabor 6th graders,

We hope to see as many 6th graders as possible after school Wednesday, December 13th for our annual Winter Movie Party! This is a WEB sponsored event that WEB leaders will be assisting with the whole time. This party will include a PG movie, hot apple cider, water, and popcorn. If your child has any allergies please list them at the bottom of the permission slip. Turn in the permission slip by Monday to the main office or to your advisory teacher. You can get extra permission slips in the main office. There will be no buses so your child will need a way to get home at 5:00 or 5:30 (please list what time on the permission slip).

Looking forward to seeing all of you Eagles there, and don't forget to work hard and be kind! :)


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7th Grade WEB Sign Up

Next semester look out for WEB sign up! This spring WEB sign up sheets and posters will be put up in the hall. For more information talk to ...